Security depost question

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I moved into my apartment 3 years ago to the month.. After the first year I renewed my lease.. Upon it expiring my landlord did not ask me so sign another.. I asked him about is and he didn't seem to care. on the 17th I informed my landlord I had to move due to my mom becoming sick and needing some one to live with her....

Today I moved out.. Cleaned the apartment. I handed in my keys and asked him to walk threw the apt and he refused then I asked him refund my secuity deposit. He said he has 30 days and he will send it to me.. So I gave him my new address... I was reading the PA law and saw this.

""After taking out damages and unpaid rent, a landlord or property owner must send its tenants the list of damages and/or the full or partial security deposit no later than 30 days after the lease ends or when the landlord accepts the tentants keys to vacate the premises early, whichever occurs first. The law requires landlords to pay twice the amount of the security deposit if they fail to provide consumers with the list of damages along with any refund due.""

The last part that says ""which ever occours first."" I don't understand if this means? Was my landlord required to give me back my deposit when I handed in my keys today?? My lease was up a year ago.. There are no damages to the apartment and it was spotless..
The lease is moot point as you were month to month since lease expired. 30 days began when you gave him keys
Ditto, and it appears you did not give proper 30 days notice either, so you might have another problem.
Right now just make nice with the landlord and politely wait. The landlord does not appear to have done anything wrong.
Ok thanks just checking.. My land lord has trust issues and seems to have problems will all his tenats.. Goes into peoples apartments with out there premission and constantly stands in the basement and listens to peoples conversations.. He actually removed the insulation and drop celing in the basement so there is no sound profing ans he can hear what people are saying.... he is not a normal person.. Fcker also stole cable from my conection and when verizon messed up he went and told everyone that they can get free cable after the had problems with them over his business account.. I did not give him 30 days notice.. But he also has no intention of rerenting that apartment becuase the guy who lives upstairs hit the building with his car causing damage and the landlord told me he must go in and check the damage.. he's in a argument with him over that. Of course he should of turned it into his insurance but he is trying to force him to pay for it.

I checked the law and there is nothing he can charge me for.. There was no damage to the apartment and it was cleaner then when i moved in.. I owe him no rent...
im a neat freak who does not allow shoes and who cleans daily.. I would always know when my landlord was in my apartment cause he never wiped his shoes.. The apartment was cleaner when I left then when I moved in..
Ok if you say so regardless if landlord finds any issues he must show you proof of where your deposit was spent. I suspect he will likely find something. probably not enough for entire deposit but I am sure he find something. You just need to wait for his contact
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