Security Harassment

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I am inquiring if any lawsuit options exist in my situation

- I am a real estate photographer
- I had finished photographing the interior of an apartment located in a town center which does not allow photography without a permit
- I was walking to my car with the camera off, and covered.

- a security guard approaches me saying I can not take pictures of the town center; I tell him the camera is off and covered, and that he should not be approaching me.
- the security guard follows me to my car and repeatedly tells his manager over his radio that I am "harassing him," and blocks my path to my vehicle. I take a picture of this
- I call a police dispatcher and report I am being followed by town center security, and not being allowed to leave. The dispatcher asks if I want to have an officer arrive; the security guard over hears this and tells me I can go. I tell the dispatcher the situation has resolved.

- as I pull out of my car, his manager speeds in behind me on a motorized cart and blocks me in, nearly clipping my vehicle. I take a picture of this.
- I call the police dispatcher again, and she asks me to hand the phone to the security guard.
- she tells them to let me leave, so they do

- as I am driving away I notice my phone is no longer with me; I search my car and after not recovering it, I assume the security guard did not return it.
- this time I request an officer on the scene and two patrolmen arrive to retrieve my phone; they bring the security guards back, but they claim not to have taken my phone.
- the police officer who went to retrieve them then asks to search my car for the phone (I had already searched it a second time in front of the officer who stayed)
- the officer searches my car on the passenger side, then moves to the driver side where I can not see him, and recovers my phone. I suspect it was planted, but do not say anything.

- the security guards begin to tell the officers that I was harassing them, to which they respond "we don't care, stop talking to him [me]:
- I am finally allowed to leave
- I file a complaint with the town center management office via email, and receive an apologetic email in return acknowledging the security guards' actions as unprofessional
- as a result, I am 50 minutes late to my second appointment

Do I have any civil case to take against the town center despite the absence of monetary damages? I have an image which depicts a security guard obstructing my path to the parking lot; a second image which depicts a security guard blocking my car in with his cart, and an emailed apology from the management itself.
Assuming you're in the US, this wouldn't be a viable lawsuit against anyone.

No damages = no suit (in this type of scenario, at least)
If you really wanted to you could argue a false arrest from when they blocked you in, but that is very technical and weak, and not likely to get very far.

I am not familiar with the location, but it seems the rule prohibiting photography is probably not enforceable.

Do yourself a favor and let this go. It will only be a headache for you if you try to drag it out.
I don't really see any damages either, I would also let it go.
What state are you in?

I am inquiring if any lawsuit options exist in my situation

- I had finished photographing the interior of an apartment located in a town center which does not allow photography without a permit
How did you get into the apartment? How do you get a permit?

You do realize that private property owners can establish most any rule they please, and if you do not comply they can ask you to leave, right? if they don't want pictures, then you can be asked to leave if you take pictures. if you refuse, you might then be arrested for trespassing.

- a security guard approaches me saying I can not take pictures of the town center; I tell him the camera is off and covered, and that he should not be approaching me.
He can approach anyone he wants. What he can't do is lay his hands on you without cause.

- as I am driving away I notice my phone is no longer with me; I search my car and after not recovering it, I assume the security guard did not return it.
How did the security guard get your phone?

- the officer searches my car on the passenger side, then moves to the driver side where I can not see him, and recovers my phone. I suspect it was planted, but do not say anything.
Of course ... the officer is going to risk his career just to cover the butts of two security guards who, if they did forget to return it, did not commit any crime. The officer could have just given it back to you and sent you on your way. he had no reason to risk his career by dropping it in your car. But, you can believe that if you wish.

- I file a complaint with the town center management office via email, and receive an apologetic email in return acknowledging the security guards' actions as unprofessional
Yep. It's usually best to deflect criticism by acknowledging the complaint and apologizing. Not surprising. But, I'll wager that no one ever spoke to the security guards about it.

Do I have any civil case to take against the town center despite the absence of monetary damages? I have an image which depicts a security guard obstructing my path to the parking lot; a second image which depicts a security guard blocking my car in with his cart, and an emailed apology from the management itself.
You don't mention your state, but absent any actual damages, I don't see any valid claim. I suppose you can call the police and demand a report for false imprisonment or whatever it might be in your state if someone prevents you from leaving without cause, but I wouldn't expect it to be pursued.

I'd say let it go and, in the future, don't take pictures in this place unless you have a permit or whatever permission they choose to provide you ... if they do at all.
Take a couple deep breaths, exhale, a couple more, very slowly, chant a soothing mantra (use your own creativity here), a few more deep, easy breaths, relax, think positive thoughts, peace, love, brotherhood, humanity is cool, babies are cute, apples are so darn tasty, mom was the best cook ever, dad was so strong, Susie, Carol, What's Her name is so cute, Buster, Brenton, Big Man is so hot, there; its all better. :yes:

Let it go, dude, it ain't worth it, let it go. :yes:

Last, but certainly not least; the law don't care, :no: dude; the law just don't wanna care! :no:
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