Security & last month's rent, will I get both back??

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We moved into our current home about 3 years ago, at that time we paid 1st & last month's rent at $450 each plus a $450 security deposit. About 6 months after we initially moved in our original landlord sold our house & property to the people that live next door to us, and they gave us a "revised" lease to sign. It's the same word for word as our original one but with the name's of the new landlords on it. We re-newed our 1 yr lease with our new landlords once, which was March 2009. When March of this year (2010) came around neither us nor the landlords even thought about the lease. Actually, I forgot about it all together. So for the past 2 months we've just been paying our rent as expected, and I'm assuming because no lease was re-newed we are now on a month to month term. Our neighbors had never once been inside our house, even before we moved in when it was vacant. To this day they've only been inside once, and that was to see our daughter after she was born (she's now 18 months). They pretty much bought the place sight unseen, just because they wanted control over who lived here, and they told me that. Apparently they like us because we've never had any issues with them and we are very friendly with each other.
Our home is a fairly older, 2 bedroom mobile home. The interior wasn't in the best shape to begin with when we moved in. Our new landlords wouldn't know because they've never seen anything other than the living room that one time when they came to see the baby. The baby is getting older and we also have a 5 year old son, so 2 bedrooms isn't enough for us anymore and we're looking to move into something larger asap. Seeing as how they've never done a walkthrough of our home, either before or after they bought it, I wouldn't think they'd have any right to keep any of the security deposit. Here's the big thing... Now that we're on a month to month term, because they never gave us a new lease to sign back in March when the other one expired; let's say that come June, we find a bigger place to move in to. I pay my rent on time for June and give my landlords a 30 day notice (FL law only requires I give min. 15 days). Once we've moved out I expect to get my full security deposit back PLUS the last month's rent that I paid when I originally moved in. Am I correct?
We moved into our current home about 3 years ago, at that time we paid 1st & last month's rent at $450 each plus a $450 security deposit. About 6 months after we initially moved in our original landlord sold our house & property to the people that live next door to us, and they gave us a "revised" lease to sign. It's the same word for word as our original one but with the name's of the new landlords on it. We re-newed our 1 yr lease with our new landlords once, which was March 2009. When March of this year (2010) came around neither us nor the landlords even thought about the lease. Actually, I forgot about it all together. So for the past 2 months we've just been paying our rent as expected, and I'm assuming because no lease was re-newed we are now on a month to month term. Our neighbors had never once been inside our house, even before we moved in when it was vacant. To this day they've only been inside once, and that was to see our daughter after she was born (she's now 18 months). They pretty much bought the place sight unseen, just because they wanted control over who lived here, and they told me that. Apparently they like us because we've never had any issues with them and we are very friendly with each other.
Our home is a fairly older, 2 bedroom mobile home. The interior wasn't in the best shape to begin with when we moved in. Our new landlords wouldn't know because they've never seen anything other than the living room that one time when they came to see the baby. The baby is getting older and we also have a 5 year old son, so 2 bedrooms isn't enough for us anymore and we're looking to move into something larger asap. Seeing as how they've never done a walkthrough of our home, either before or after they bought it, I wouldn't think they'd have any right to keep any of the security deposit. Here's the big thing... Now that we're on a month to month term, because they never gave us a new lease to sign back in March when the other one expired; let's say that come June, we find a bigger place to move in to. I pay my rent on time for June and give my landlords a 30 day notice (FL law only requires I give min. 15 days). Once we've moved out I expect to get my full security deposit back PLUS the last month's rent that I paid when I originally moved in. Am I correct?

Why not discuss your future plans with them now?

Who knows what they'll do?

We're not talking about a great deal of money, here ($450).

The people bought the home, so they must have a little money.

I doubt they'll raise a ruckus over your deposit.

So, why not show them your home and ask them about it?

That way, you won't be fighting over it next month!!!!!
Yes, you are correct. They can deduct fees to repair for damages beyond normal wear and tear, but they would not be able to distinguish preexisting damages from anything caused by you.

You don't have to wait until 30 days to give notice... you can notify them before 30 days, and they will probably appreciate the extra time to prepare. As said above, discuss your concerns with them and work it out so there are no last minute hangups.
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