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My daughter lived with a friend two years ago. She never signed a lease and never met the landlady. She paid rent for the six months she lived there. The landlady has been trying to collect 1300.00 dollars for securtiy. And she has not sent any signed lease that I have requested. Can she do this?
Why would the landlady request a security deposit now? It appears from your posting that your daughter no longer lives there.

Is the issue that the landlady is contending your daughter did $1300 in damages?

No there were no damages. The landlady told me that she had a lease with my daughter. When I requested it. She sent me two pages. She had crossed off the prior student that was renting and hand wrote my daughters name in it. The last letter I received she also added more money telling me that there was a bill owed. Tenent paid there owe utilites and my daughter said they were paid in full. So I really don't understand what she is trying to do. In my conversations with her, overdue bill were never mentioned until this year. She no longer lives there and has not for two years.

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It sounds as if your daughters friend might have left leaving the unit damaged and either blamed your daughter or the landlady has been unable to collect from the tenant.

Thus, she's trying to collect from your daughter.

Crossing off the former tenants name on the lease and adding your daughters name does not make this a legal document. Your daughter did not sign the lease.

Frankly, I doubt if this woman has a leg to stand in attempting to collect money from a tenant that was never on the lease and left two years ago. It sounds like a "bluff" that may also include a threat to file in Small Claims Court over this matter.

Is there anything I can do or say to make her stop trying to collect money not due to her. To me this seems like harrasment at this stage. I don't want to get her mad I just want her to stop calling and sending letters. Any suggestions?
I'd get an answering machine to screen the calls and simply toss any mail from her away.

Either she's going to get tired to asking for $$$ or she's going to file a lawsuit in Small Claims.

From what you describe, it's doubtful she'll file as her case against your daughter sounds extremely weak. At this point she's trying to "wear you down" so you'll pay to get rid of her.

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