Seeking a post conviction lawyer


New Member
At 18 yrs old I was manipulated by an older man. As I am not totally innocent , I basically waited for him in a car while he committed his crimes which I was unaware were his intent. He is on death row and I was also mishandled by my court appointed lawyer , I believe taken advantage of my age I was told sign the deal or you're going to die( death sentence) I've served13yrs, completed my ged. Have always held down a job, porter, etc . I'm now on the beautification project where I paint murals. I have always stayed out of trouble abiding by the rules and regulations. All I ask is any type of assistance or guidance on which I may lessen my sentence or apply for a pardon. Thank you for taking the time to read my request. Any help is appreciated If you need further info. Or I can answer here.

Info redacted to PROTECT poster's privacy.

Post Conviction Relief-2016 Nevada Revised Statutes

Post-conviction Relief in Nevada


Any help is appreciated If you need further info. Or I can answer here.

How much time were you sentenced to serve?

How many years do you have left until you're released such that you won't be on paper?

Have you asked for clemency or a commutation of your sentence?

That is much more likely to yield you freedom sooner, rather than later.

Nevada Board of Pardons Commissioners

Pardons Board Application

Clemency and Pardons | American Civil Liberties Union
To the best of my knowledge, no one who practices in Nevada posts here regularly, and this isn't a place to find a lawyer.

How long is your sentence, and when do you come up for parole?
At age 18, you're an adult.


At the age of majority, yes.

Adult, not even close.

Teenagers can be easily manipulated. Witness the lending industry manipulation of teenagers into taking out huge student loans without any clue as to the potential consequences.

It takes several more years for the teen age brain to develop the common sense of an adult. I raised two. I know all about that.


At the age of majority, yes.

Adult, not even close.

Teenagers can be easily manipulated. Witness the lending industry manipulation of teenagers into taking out huge student loans without any clue as to the potential consequences.

It takes several more years for the teen age brain to develop the common sense of an adult. I raised two. I know all about that.


Adult, as in the age of majority, insofar as the law is concerned.
Susan, a message board cannot provide specific legal advice or take action on your behalf; this is not a referral board and reputable attorneys do not troll message boards looking for clients. You can get referrals by calling your State Bar Association and/or your local Legal Aide. Additionally, if there are any law schools in your area, many of them have legal clinics where third year students, under the guidance of their professors, will offer low- or no-cost consultations.

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