Seeking Advice (Thx in advance)

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New Member
Hello, im from Brooklyn NY and I would appreciate some opinions on my situation

I allowed someone to stay in my house for up to 3 months, rent free. This agreement was all verbal. As the 3rd month started coming to an end, the guest in my house started getting an attitude when I inquired about their apartment search. A week later, they said they didnt have to leave because they are an official resident of my property and now they have stayed here past our agreement.

I have already served them with a notice of 30 days to vacate, and im in the beginning stages of the eviction process. Heres my question. Is there any defense they can present to the judge in court that will extend their stay at my residence? I have not done anything unlawful to them at all. All I want is that they leave my residence as soon as possible. I am offended that they pulled this stunt after I let them stay in my home temporarily to help them out of a hard situation.

Anyone? I need a better understanding of how the process works and what possible defense to counter act.
Whether a judge buys any excuse the tenant provides is really up to the individual judge. Keep in mind that most judges are fairly cynical as they're heard just about every excuse "in the book", some of them real whoppers.

Thanks Gail.

Im just disgusted and I could have never imagined being uncomfortable in my own house. I want this nightmare to end as soon as possible and this process is taking long as it is.

So its all up to the judge. Ok. One more question if I may. Is there anything else I can say or present to the judge to ensure they vacate as soon as possible? For example, is mentioning me not being comfortable in my house and them making it a hostile environment going to improve my case? As I said they stayed here rent free, and breached our verbal agreement.
I've been there man. Just go through the motions. I don't think you had to evict them, but it is the safest route. There isn't any defense that I can think of that will allow them to stay in the house. A judge is going to be pretty pissy with them I imagine.
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