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My husband is a teacher at an elementary school where he is the only male. Their principal, which was a man, left the district and a woman principal was hired. When she came another teacher told her my husband and the old principal were tight, which they were not at all, however, the principal (I think) believes this and does treat him differently. At the beginning of last year she told the female teachers they could wear capris and bermuda type shorts. My husband asked if he could wear shorts and she said no. She also makes rude comments at faculty meetings to his input or cuts him off.

The other day he had his air conditioner on in his classroom and she had the janitors cut off the electricity to it. When he went to speak with her about this, she immediately began yelling at him about how she told him to not have the ac on several times (which was only once last school year) and she was "sick and tired" of having to tell him about this petty stuff. She lied to him about how the janitors just did it on their own and that she told him several times to keep his air off. The janitors were upset and immediately came to tell him what they had to do. Another teacher said she had her air on one day and the principal just told her to turn it off. Her power was not disconnected.

My husband asked the principal again about wearing shorts and she said "You're not going to." He then told her he would not turn on his air again and she said, "Do you really want me coming in your room to turn ON your air in front of your kids?"

She has not notified any staff about when the ac can be used or mentioned any acceptable outdoor temp. She did provide a fan to his room and a thermometer.

My husband told her he felt he was being treated differently and she responded that she knows he does. He also asked if he had done anything else or had any complaints and she said replied that he had not.

It just doesn't seem right that he is treated this way. He works just as hard as anyone. To top things off this ac problem happened the first day of Teacher Appreciation Week!

Please advise if this is grounds to file a charge with the EEO.
Multiple courts have ruled that having different dress codes for men and women is not illegal discrimination.
The principal's conduct is bordering precipitously on the side of bullying.

Your hubby might be best served to seek a transfer to another school.

He should consider filing a grievance.

However, if he has union representation, he should speak with his rep.

Otherwise, he should make an appointment with HR to discuss the AC debacle.

If he's hot, the kids most likely are hot, too.

I'll bet if 30-40 irate parents called the superintendent's office with a complaint about how hot little Lily and Billy are, things would rapidly change.

Either way, your man should get out if that school, before something terrible occurs!!!!
Thanks army judge!

One more tidbit from my wife, who happens to be an administrator in a public school district.

Your hubby should document everything going forward.

He can journal it, or do it on a computer or smartphone.

He should record, as accurately as possible, every interaction he has with this woman.

She is a bully.

She will try her best to do him in at all costs.

He should record dates, times, places, comments, orders, instructions, witnesses, etc...

If you leave a bully like this unchecked, they'll cause you great harm and much havoc.

He should be very careful in dealing with her, until he can effect his transfer.

If he doesn't, you'll be back on here asking how to get his job back.
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Professional what? This is a free forum where you are getting FREE advice. You don't get to choose who answers your queries. Of course, you can bet there are responders who won't do so now.
So far you have not offered any advice. It's like you are making fun of a already painful situation. Way to go!
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