Seeking Custody of sons because mom is in First Step, 5 months pregnant + cracked out

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I haven't seen my boys in years and I'm trying to get them since their mom is obviously out of control. I've been paying voluntary child support for years and can't stand the fact that my money is just going to get her drugs. I went to Legal Aid on Wed the 22nd of June and was told that she doesn't have full custody by the courts. They then proceeded to tell me that I should go get their birth certificates and then notify the sheriff's department so they could assist me if needed. Now, I found out that child services gave temporary custody to her sister because I haven't seen them in so long. I raise my other two sons full-time and have been their whole lives. What are my options now? Legal aid is closed on Fridays so that's why I'm here. When the lawyer looked things up on Wednesday he didn't see any custody given solely to anyone. Please Help because alot of you are very helpful :)
You haven't seen then in years and you want full custody?

That's not going to happen. Child services is involved and have already placed the children with her sister; to change that now will require the services of an attorney and your chances of success are slim at best since you've been away for so long.

Also, the goal of child services is reunification with the parent wherever possible. Mom will get at least one chance to clean up her act. If the State terminates Mom's rights, her sister may have standing to get custody or they could go into foster care.

What you might want to do instead is file for a visitation order so you can get to know the kids again - expect short, supervised visitation in the sister's community at first. That way if Mom's rights ARE terminated, you will be in a better position to get the kids if necessary.
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