Seeking Emergency Custody of Grandson

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New Member
My 17 yr old daughter has been in and out of juvenile detention centers for the last 3 years. She has had charges ranging from runaway, shop lifting, felony theft, prostitution, probation violations. She was recently picked up on a parole violation and is currently locked up in a juvenile detention center awaiting a parole revocation hearing. She has a 2 month old son who is currently in my custody, they have lived with me since he was born. Her recent parole violation was due to her not coming home, basically abandoning her son. How do I go about getting custody or temporary custody of him. She has never had a job so I have been the financial support for him. I need to know what is the best route to take, custody, guardianship, anything so that he is safe with me.
I have to be brutally honest here.

If you go to court over this, you may find yourself raked over the coals completely and utterly.

You raised an incorrigible, thieving prostitute who still lives with you - and frankly the court is more likely to order the child placed in foster care than with you.

I'm sorry - I'm really NOT trying to be mean or hurt you...but this is what you're looking at.

If you are genuinely concerned about your grandson's welfare, call child services and let them get the ball rolling.
My 17 yr old daughter has been in and out of juvenile detention centers for the last 3 years. She has had charges ranging from runaway, shop lifting, felony theft, prostitution, probation violations. She was recently picked up on a parole violation and is currently locked up in a juvenile detention center awaiting a parole revocation hearing. She has a 2 month old son who is currently in my custody, they have lived with me since he was born. Her recent parole violation was due to her not coming home, basically abandoning her son. How do I go about getting custody or temporary custody of him. She has never had a job so I have been the financial support for him. I need to know what is the best route to take, custody, guardianship, anything so that he is safe with me.

Your road to custody should begin with a visit to an attorney.

If your state's social services agency has already intervened with this child, you might consider speaking to them again before you visit an attorney.

Either way, you will require legal assiatnce with your quest to assist your grandchild.
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