Self help remedies often fail.

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army judge

Super Moderator
If I've said it once, I've said it 200 times or more.
Self help remedies often fail, and bring the actor more trouble that he or she wants.

It seems these two, angry, "baby mamas" conspired to teach their WOMANIZING "baby daddy" a lesson about messin' around.

Sad, very sad. Now, they both face domestic violence charges, and I'm almost sure the "baby daddy" will attempt to wrest custody from his alleged abusers.

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Excellent point and an interesting bit of reading material concerning revenge against philandering fathers ala Thelma and Louise. This is dishing out moral justice and, unfortunately, they will have to deal with the consequences. You can only wonder what makes guys like this such a prize. He's got two children with two women and now a third thinks he's boyfriend material and possibly knows about the other two?
Excellent point and an interesting bit of reading material concerning revenge against philandering fathers ala Thelma and Louise. This is dishing out moral justice and, unfortunately, they will have to deal with the consequences. You can only wonder what makes guys like this such a prize. He's got two children with two women and now a third thinks he's boyfriend material and possibly knows about the other two?

I've often wondered that, too, professor.

Why do certain people seem to seek out the worst possible people to attempt to date or mate?

When I was a young lad, birth control methods weren't that plentiful.

The male condom existed, birth control pills, and after the birth - ADOPTION.

Today they advertise female condoms, male condoms, creams, lotions, potions, pills, powders, sprays, of course abortions, the after the "ACT" pill, and after the birth - ADOPTION.

When the woman finally discovers (what everyone else knew, the man is a loser, lout, deadbeat, and bum), she is amazed that a loser won't support (or even visit) the child.

It only proves what I've believed for a very long time, MOST people are their own worst enemy.
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