Sell estate property

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New Member
I am administrator of my sister's estate. In order to sell her property, i must obtain notarized signatures from the heirs granting me power of attorney to sell property. I have all signatures except for one. I have been unable to get in touch with this relative. I don't have his address nor phone number. Also, Other relatives have not had contact. What should my action be. Can I still sell property due to the fact that I locate the heir?
I am administrator of my sister's estate. In order to sell her property, i must obtain notarized signatures from the heirs granting me power of attorney to sell property. I have all signatures except for one. I have been unable to get in touch with this relative. I don't have his address nor phone number. Also, Other relatives have not had contact. What should my action be. Can I still sell property due to the fact that I locate the heir?

You have to open up probate to do this.
The judge can then partition the property (force a sale via court order), and divide up any profits.

Google your county, VA OPENING PROBATE

Just to offer an example, this is what came back for Fairfax County, VA

Your county will tell you how its done where you live.
If the property is in another county, Google THAT county.
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