Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Selling Alcholos to minors

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: illinois, united states

I was found guilty in selling alcohol to minors in a sting operations yesterday, i was given court date of jan 27 2009. How can i defend myself, the mistake i made was that the person who brought the alcohol seemed familiar faced to me and the line of customer was long, so in hurry i made the mistake,so how can i defend myself in the court and how can i remove that record from my background because i have to go out of country and come back am not a permanent resident of united states.
You need to hire an attorney. However, if you failed to ask for ID, I strongly suspect that you're best bet here is to negotiate a plea deal. Unless the state's case is poorly organized, these are usually slam dunk affairs for the state.

- Carl
Thanks Carl for your quick response. So shall i plea guilty in the court ? and is there any way that i can be involved in community service and remove that mistake from my background records ? I was involved in the sting operation by city police department. I'm really worried how i can remove that from my background records and also worried if i would have any problems while re-entering united states, will that record show up in immigration people's computer, because if so i will be in lot of problems coz i am not allowed to work here in united states as i am in student visa, i was helping my uncle for few days during Christmas.Need your suggestions. Thanks in advance.
Thanks Carl for your quick response. So shall i plea guilty in the court ?
I would never recommend you plead guilty without first consulting an attorney. There may be something that can be done to minimize the effects of a guilty plea or verdict, and to know that for sure, you need the advice of a local attorney.

and is there any way that i can be involved in community service and remove that mistake from my background records ?
In my state I do not believe any form of diversion is available for this, but, your state or local court may have a program to address this.

I was involved in the sting operation by city police department. I'm really worried how i can remove that from my background records and also worried if i would have any problems while re-entering united states, will that record show up in immigration people's computer, because if so i will be in lot of problems coz i am not allowed to work here in united states as i am in student visa, i was helping my uncle for few days during Christmas.
All the more reason to speak with an attorney. While I would not think it should be an issue, federal immigration laws seem to change with some frequency.

- Carl
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