Selling Overseas Real Estate in California without a license

I have been advised that a California Real Estate License is required, per statute 10139 and 10140, to sell real estate in California, to California residents, even if the actual real estate is located out of USA. Is that true? Will selling international real estate in California, without a California real estate sales or brokers license, amount to violating the California law?
I have been advised that a California Real Estate License is required, per statute 10139 and 10140, to sell real estate in California, to California residents, even if the actual real estate is located out of USA. Is that true? Will selling international real estate in California, without a California real estate sales or brokers license, amount to violating the California law?

It appears that the state of Arizona does regulate overseas real estate sales in Arizona
I guess it didn't occur to you to do one or more of the following:

1 - Call up the CA real estate licensing agency and ask.
2 - Check the CA real estate licensing agency's website.
3 - Check the CA real estate licensing statute.
I have been advised that a California Real Estate License is required, per statute 10139 and 10140, to sell real estate in California, to California residents, even if the actual real estate is located out of USA. Is that true?

First of all, California laws are organized into 29 "codes," so referring to "statute 10139 and 10140" isn't particularly helpful. Second, who "advised" you of this, and why do you think the person who did so might have been lying or providing you with bad information?

On the assumption that you're talking about sections 10139 and 10140 of the Business & Professions Code, I suggest you read them yourself and form your own conclusion about the truth or lack thereof of what you were told.

If, after you have read those code sections, you have questions, please feel free to ask them.

I'm not sure why you researched AZ when querying us about CA?

Because CA has similar laws

I'm fairly confident that you are correct that some Arizona and California laws are "similar" (you might even be able to find a couple of Arizona and California laws that are identical). However, I can assure you that there are a great many Arizona and California laws concerning the same subjects that are quite different.

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