selling vehicle with airbag deployment

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I accidentally set my passenger side airbag off while working on the radio . I've replaced it with an airbag from a salvage vehicle of the same year and make , but I did not hook it up . I think it might go off again because I can't find the wire I cut the first time . If I decide to sell this vehicle in the future , I would tell the buyer the airbag is there , but does not work . I would also have this information on the Bill of Sale that we would both sign . My question is , could I be held responsible if someone wrecks this vehicle in the future . Also , does a Bill of Sale have to be signed in front of a notary to be legal .
Re: selling with airbag deployment

Having manifested the condition of the vehicle, you are released from your warranty for any hidden defect. That means, you can disclaim any future liability in relation to the vehicle.

Actually, as long as there was meeting of the minds of the parties, any sale can be valid in whatever form. Thus, legal on that aspect.

However, for convenience and protection sake, it would be best to have the transaction put in writing. Having the Bill of Sale notarized, would give it not only a binding effect between the parties, but also from third parties.
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