Semi Accident...was fine...developed problems later

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In 2002, while in Kansas, my husband and I were in a one vehicle semi accident. He was driving, I was his passenger. At the time of the accident, I only had cuts, scrapes and bruises. All photo documented.
I was checked out by the EMS on the scene. I had no other visible injuries. And I felt it was un-necessary for me to be taken by ambulance to the hospital. Now, in 2004, I was told I had developed fibromyalgia from the accident, and have been getting treatment for it. Is it too late to try to get his former employer who is in Illinois to pay me for my pain and suffering? I can no longer work and I am trying to get disability. My life is filled with pain, pain medication and physical therapy because of this. I was fine until 2004. And I never put the accident and this together until yesterday. Any opinions on this would be very much appreciated!
Thank you!
Far too much time has passed for any attorney to take this case. You can certainly ask, but with personal injury, time is of the essence. If you were checked out and were told tyou were fine, then you proably have no claim. Anything could have happened since then.

You can certainly call around but due to the time frame, no attorney will likely touch this.
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