Senior Housing Bait and Switch Situation

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New Member
Here's the situation:

My grandparents just moved here and are trying to find an apartment. Since they are very low income, I've been looking at senior housing that is subsidized. Much to my surprise, everything had a long waiting list, except one particular complex.

I went on a tour of the complex, and really liked it. I talked with the manager and with the financial situation of my grandparents, the apartment would be around $500. This rent was to include: water, sewer, garbage, electricity, 2 daily meals and activities at the complex. She told me the only thing they had to pay for was internet, phone and TV. I was floored at finding a great deal, and my grandparents started the paperwork, reserved their apartment and put down $250 as a deposit.

Yesterday, my grandparents called the manager to check-up on when their apartment would be ready, as it was getting new carpet. They were informed that their rent would be $1400 a month because of all the services. Of course, they didn't make a fuss, told the manager they "declined" and left it at that.

I, of course, refuse to leave it at that. My grandparents were quoted $500 by the manager. This is low-income housing that goes off of financial need, and even $500 to them is a stretch. We were told (me and them) that EVERYTHING I had listed previously was included in the $500. Their financial paperwork showed that they were the lowest of the low income.

What do I do? There isn't any other senior housing in the area without a year long waiting list. I also feel like the whole situation was a bait-and-switch. Can I get the HUD involved? Do I even have grounds to be making a stink?
You can try to get anyone and everyone involved. Don't be surprised if they rebuff your entreaties.

You don't have any standing. Your grandparents have standing. However, as no contract or lease was signed and your grandparents declined, this horse is dead!
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