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I work in a school district as a certificated employee. Due to budget cuts and lay-offs, one's position on the seniority list is crucial. Two years ago, I was given an additional three years of seniority credit due to my original position with the district. One year later, however, those three years were taken away. This change in seniority significantly affected my position on the list. I have asked repeatedly for an explanation for why this change was made. I would suppose that this changing of seniority dates has to based on something such as a law, a regulation, a policy, or something. However, the district refuses to back up this move with any documentation at all. Is this legal for them to do? Do they legally have to have a legitimate reason to change seniorty dates or can they change dates on a whim? Do I have a right to see a written explanation as to why this change was made? If they continue to not provide information, would it be wise to enlist the help of a lawyer in obtaining this information?

Thank You!
I'm not sure what California calls it, but Texas has a Teacher Retirement System, run by the state.

I know CA has CALPERS, but is that for teachers?

If not, you know what it is.

Contact the people that control teacher retirements in CA.

Maybe, they can help.

However, I see no lawsuit here.

I'd keep working with HR and being very nice to some clerk, supervisor, or manager.
Ask them very nicely, telling them what you said here.
They know how important it is.
Perhaps, it was a mistake and they'll fix it.
Or, they'll provide you with an explanation.
Your teacher's union will be your biggest help here. The district might be dragging its feet with your personal requests, but if your union will back you and make the same request there will be a lot more weight behind the demand.
Is this a union position?

Unless there is a union or other contract that specifies otherwise, there are no laws that address seniority in the workplace.
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