Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Sentence terms mean?

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New Member
I need to know what the last 3 mean, i know the first three mean.

Finding: Guilty
Disposition date: 12/02/2011
Fines/fees: $725.50
Discretionary: 60 days
Det Penitentiary: 2 years
Indet Penitentiary: 8 years

what is total time they will spend in jail?
60 days, if they're lucky and behave themselves.

Screw up, they could get 2 years.

Get revoked, up to 8 years.

Someone got very, very lucky.

Tell them to stay on the straight and narrow.

They could get out in 6-7 weeks, maybe 30 days, with overcrowding and budget problems!

They screw up, they might get 8 years prison time!
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