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My wife and I are seperated and have not lived together for over 2 months, I am now afraid she will move to california with our 1 year old daughter I am just trying to figure out what my rights are and if I can stop her from taking my daughter away from family and myself. She has a domestic distrubence on her record and isnt employed as I currently am the provider...need legal adivce asap as to what my rights are
It would appear that the presumption is in favor of relocation in Utah.

The best argument which comes to mind is that the child is only a year old, and needs to spend as-close-to-equal as is possible bonding time with both parents.

You need a attorney. Her being unemployed cannot be held against her but if she's a SAHM that will likely be in her favor.
Obtain a custody order if you are not going to be together. That order can prevent either parent from legally taking the child out of state/county without the permission of the other.
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