

New Member
If my insurance claim is denied for clear and convincing misconduct, will my appeal be more succesful if I present this evidence up the chain of command? I mean senior management?
my insurance claim is denied for clear and convincing misconduct

Please explain exactly what this means. Are you talking about a first party claim (i.e., a claim you made with your own auto insurance carrier for, e.g., payment under your collision coverage) or a third party claim (i.e., a claim against another driver's liability coverage)? What exactly do you mean by "denied for clear and convincing misconduct"?

my appeal

Appeal to whom? Are you talking about a complaint to the Department of Insurance?

if I present this evidence up the chain of command? I mean senior management?

Not really sure what you mean by this. Why don't you give a concise narrative about what happened?
I have deleted your four duplicate threads. You only need to post once; five times is four times too many. You will not get more or better answers by spamming the board.

Do not post the same question again.
If my insurance claim is denied for clear and convincing misconduct, will my appeal be more succesful if I present this evidence up the chain of command? I mean senior management?
What does this have to do with "Civil Court, Procedure & Litigation"?
And please clarify what state this is happening. State law matters and posting random state names will not get you appropriate responses. FYI I can see what state your IP address is registered in and it is neither Arizona nor California.
If my insurance claim is denied for clear and convincing misconduct, will my appeal be more succesful if I present this evidence up the chain of command? I mean senior management?

What kind of policy?
What kind of claim?
What misconduct was stated?
You would have gotten a letter with the reason for the denial?
What did it say?
What senior management do you think you can appeal to?
On what grounds?

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