New Member
almost 3 years ago My aunt died and since there was no will her estate has been set to be divided up amongst her surviving neices and nephews. There are 12 of us altogether. There are two family members who are claiming the excutor and her lawyer are frauds and a whole bunch of other crazy accusations so much so that the judge has asked thier lawyer and the estate lawyer to try and come to some sort of aggreement out of court but the 2 family members keep turning down every offer made by the estate lawyer. What I am wondering is is there anything the other 10 of us can do to get the other 2 family members to give this up and settle the estate already or do we have no choice but to wait for another court date to be set and hopfullly the other 2 family members wont cancel it again? I understand they are entitled to thier day in court but dont the rest of us have any rights too.