severance pay

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New Member
The owners of the place I worked at come in on May 18th and had a meeting with the employees and told us they where closing in 2 and a half weeks. They said if we stay till they closed and helped clean the restraunt we would get a severance package and the vacation time we had coming to us. Well my self and alot of the other employees stayed to the end. When we all got our checks with our vacation time and our severance pay everyone got a different amount. I got 10 hours of extra pay for severance pay while others got up to 25 hours. I was told i only got 10 ours because I had over $200.00 coming to me in vacation time. Not to go back a few i had my vacation in for last week of may but did not take it because it was the last week we where open and they needed the help. So I feel like I was punished because I didnt take my vacation and stayed to help them out. A lot of other employees feel they have been misinformed also is there any thing we can do about this?
Since in your state they had no legal obligation to pay either severance or your unused vacation at all, I don't see what. Was there a written company policy regarding severance? One thing your state is big on, is following written policy.
No there was nothing in writting just verbal. All of the employees where there to hear what they had said. That is why we where wondering if there is an thing we could do about it.
Doesn't sound like it. Without a contractual obligation to pay a certain amount, he didn't have to pay anything at all.
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