Sewer line problems.

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New Member
I have recently received a letter from an attorney telling me that my sewer line runs through a piece of my neighbors land off of the right of way that was given to the property and he wants me to relocate it because it can possibly devalue his property. They have not received an appraisal as to how much it devalues it, but they feel that it will be much cheaper to move my sewer line than the devaluation, and they gave me thirty days to do it. I bought my house in may of this year, and I did some digging to find out that the line was installed in oct of 1998 and he purchased the tract of land in 1992. Should I be held responsible for this? I had my realtor contact the title company and they ran a search and said they found nothing as far as easements go. Is this something for the title company, or the sewer authority? It does not make any sense to move it from one piece of his property to another,back on to the right of way.
any help or ideas as to how to approach this would be appreciated.
If there is no easement and you are not willing to move it, he can just severe the sewer line and leave you with no drainage. It is a weird case but I think you are going to have to move the line.
UGH I hope it doesn't have to come to that. the bad thing is, I needed a french drain put in, and he recommended one of his relatives(he gave me the best quote and I used him), now bear in mind, I've only ever talked to my neighbor once and he never mentioned to me how he wanted this line moved. I would of gladly done done it while the guy was there if he would of asked...
now I have to deal with this..... Well I called the title insurance company and it's sounding like thay may take care of this.
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