Sex Offender but sentenced before the registry law??

I was charged with lued & lacvious act on a child >16 in 1997 when I was 18. I was sentenced to 5 years probation. I violated probation twice & eventually was sentenced to 8 years in prison around 1999. I got out in 2005 with 3 years parole. My charge happened before the sex offender registery was in place but I have to register as a sex offender. Ajudication was withheld when I was first sentenced. I made a mistake & this is haunting me & my family. I got a letter in the mail from an attorney in FL a few years ago stating that he could get my charge reversed due to the new Romeo & Juliet law. Is this true? Could I get this expunged? Am I suppose to be registering as a sex offender with my charge happening so long ago? Please help !!
I was charged with lued & lacvious act on a child >16 in 1997 when I was 18. I was sentenced to 5 years probation. I violated probation twice & eventually was sentenced to 8 years in prison around 1999. I got out in 2005 with 3 years parole. My charge happened before the sex offender registery was in place but I have to register as a sex offender. Ajudication was withheld when I was first sentenced. I made a mistake & this is haunting me & my family. I got a letter in the mail from an attorney in FL a few years ago stating that he could get my charge reversed due to the new Romeo & Juliet law. Is this true? Could I get this expunged? Am I suppose to be registering as a sex offender with my charge happening so long ago? Please help !!

The sex offender registry requirement won't just go away.
Your situation is far too complex and much too important to you to risk your freedom with free Internet advice.

It's in your best interest, and your family's for you to consult with a licensed Florida lawyer. Heck, I'd see five or six. The first meeting is normally at no charge.

You're going to require legal help, meaning a licensed Florida attorney.

The fact that you haven't registered, are living with children might already spell disaster and doom for you.

That said, see those lawyers tomorrow. Don't ignore this, it's like a cancer. It won't just go away, you'll have to work to make it go away. Frankly, that's very rarely possible. But, without seeking real, reliable legal help, you'll never know.

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