sexist remarks in the workplace

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New Member
Allen County Kansas

My wife works in a restaurant franchise. She often complains to me about a district manager who is constantly saying remarks about women.

Today she asked him for some extra help on a busy day he replied by getting angry with her then saying "Typical, women always want someone else to do things for them. Never send a woman to do a mans job". Most of the staff at the time witnessed this.

This is not the first time this has happened with him. Almost all of the women there have had the same problems. Another women there has even had this man throw a completely full two liter bottle of pepsi in her direction while ranting about how as a woman she could not do her job correctly. Another woman there quit after he called her a "dirty whore" in front of employees playfully and tried to grab her nipple.

This has gone on for about 2 years now. I told my wife to go to his superior about this problem. She did that one day when he was at the store looking things over. a few of the women employees told him about what the district manager had been doing and saying. He let them know that the district manager was his brother in law and basicly let them know that they had to take it.

Other than calling the Franchise owner what can we do about this? My wife is about to leave her job in frustration with this man as many other women have done there.

Sorry if I have missposted this in an incorrect forum or double posted. I looked but found no specific information on this.
If there are at least 15 employees, the sexually harrassed employee can contact the EEOC. Sexist remarks such as the one you first mentioned don't normally rise to the level of illegal harrassment, although I agree it's rude, unprofessional, and just plain tacky.

However, I would try the owner first. Take it up the chain as far as you can go.
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