Child Abuse, Molestation, Porn sexting situation


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US Federal Law
sticky situation my cousin is going through: her boyfriend is 18 and she is 16. she sent him many intimate photos and videos and he is now threatening to post them all online for everyone she knows to see. he basically uses this to blackmail her to do whatever he wants because he knows it would ruin her entire life. he lives in nevada and she lives in georgia. is there any possible way that she could get him into trouble without her also getting into trouble? she doesnt even need charges pressed against him, she just wants the pictures to be deleted. he is very unreasonable and will not delete them. can she make an anonymous tip that he has child pornography on his phone? is there anything she can do without also facing charges herself?
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There is no way to achieve this without her informing her parents. That is the only step she needs to take. Her parents can handle it from there.

She could not just make an anonymous tip. If the identity of the person in the photos is not known to confirm age then there won't be any offense.
sticky situation my cousin is going through: her boyfriend is 18 and she is 16. she sent him many intimate photos and videos and he is now threatening to post them all online for everyone she knows to see. he basically uses this to blackmail her to do whatever he wants because he knows it would ruin her entire life. he lives in nevada and she lives in georgia. is there any possible way that she could get him into trouble without her also getting into trouble? she doesnt even need charges pressed against him, she just wants the pictures to be deleted. he is very unreasonable and will not delete them. can she make an anonymous tip that he has child pornography on his phone? is there anything she can do without also facing charges herself?

Nevada teen sexting laws:
Teen "Sexting" in Las Vegas is a Crime
Posting "Revenge Porn" is Now a Crime in Nevada | Shouse Law Group
Teen Sexting in Nevada

Teen Sexting in Georgia
Sexting Laws Georgia | Mobile Media Guard | Parental Solutions LLC
Teenagers' sexting can lead to trouble with the law
Sexting Laws in Georgia - Cyberbullying Research Center

Either way he's an idiot if he were to post any of those photos without her consent because she's a minor and there are revenge porn laws in Nevada and Georgia.

She needs to call the police herself and report he has the photos. It's possible she can face pornography charges if she took them even of herself. I hope she's learned to not take nude photos of herself and send them to people anymore.
is there any possible way that she could get him into trouble without her also getting into trouble?

Define "get into trouble." Subject to exactly what the photos depict, she committed a crime by sending him the pictures, so she runs the risk of prosecution regardless of whether she does anything to "get him into trouble." That said, I suspect most law enforcement agencies will be far more concerned with an adult threatening to disseminate child pornography than with the child who created the pornography in the first place.

can she make an anonymous tip that he has child pornography on his phone?

Well ... she's obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed, but we otherwise have no reason to believe she doesn't have this ability. Of course, that you need to keep in mind that any investigation would reveal how that material got there.

is there anything she can do without also facing charges herself?

I'm sure she can do lots of things. The smart thing to do -- foreign though it may be to her -- would be to discuss the situation with her parents who can then make a decision about contacting the authorities. Needless to say, she needs to discontinue any further contact with her "boyfriend."
To begin, states have begun to create "revenge porn" laws to deal with this exact situation.

This article written on our site in our Law Journal section should be of assistance, even though it is a little dated: Google to Aid Emerging Laws Battling Revenge Porn

And if indeed there is blackmail involved, then this can be a criminal matter. It's time to have parents get involved and help the young woman and this is no time to play games with anonymous tips which will also go nowhere and provide ostensibly no justification for the search and seizure of someone else's private property.

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