sexual advances and now im fired!

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my boss is having sex with two of his staff. he tried on me by saying come to his office and give him something special for his birthday. i put him down and tell him no way and did he think i was the other ladies. he even has a child with one of them and they sent it away to their home country because his wife would get suspicious. he gave me the silent treatment.

now he tried to switch me to a location that i didn't apply for and i said i didn't like working in that location, he acted very aggressive and from that day the other staff gave me the silent treatment too.

i went to work one day and there was someone new there working, doing my job. i didn't say anything.
at the end of the day, the manager the one with the baby, told me that it was my last day.

fired! for what? what did i do? ask for what i applied for when i started?
for what? putting down his sexual advances.
If your employer has an HR department, contact them immediately. If they do not, give the EEOC a call. Time limits apply so do not delay. This site is linked to the one above but is a short version of facts surrounding sexual harassment with a link on how to file a complaint. Good luck and I hope you do file a complaint and like Seniorjudge said I hope they get the scumbag too.
the only problem is he is a nyc detective and that can be very intimidating for someone like me. i am married ot a usa citizen but i am not yet a green card holder, but i have 1 more month for my work permit to come in the mail, so i havent been working with a work permit. is that gonna cause some problems?
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