Sexual Assault Charges Pending

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My son is 17 and is being investigated for sexual assault. The girl is a 16 year old neighbor who snuck out to meet him at midnight. My son wants to give a statement to the detective but, we keep holding off because we are trying to find an attorney who will work with us on his/her fees. My problem is should we take our chances and let our son talk to the detective without an attorney present and then if charges are brought ask for a public defender? There is no doubt in our minds that our son is not guilty of assaulting this girl. They have already done a rape kit on her and I feel if they had found anything significant they would have charged him already. We just don't want to end up hurting our son in the long run by not having an attorney present when he gives his statement. However, my son feels like if he tells the truth he should be ok and is afraid the longer it takes him to give his statement, the more guilty he appears. We are definitely not in a position to afford an attorney without some type of assistance. How do we do the right thing? Should we wait and see if charges will be filed if he doesn't give a statement? And how is it that all she must do is claim she was vicitmized and he has to bear the cost of proving his innocense?
Your son MUST have a lawyer.


End of story.

Even if.
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