Sexual Harassment

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During my tenure with the company I had been employed with, my manager was known for engaging in verbal discussions of sexual orientation (Manager is female, I am male). On March 16th I was engaged in a conversation with my manager regarding my overall demeanor when dealing with subordinate employees. I was accused of being cold, callous, and alouf. She on the other hand, goes to great lengths to be "well-liked", and manages based upon emotions and employee relationships. This type of management style obviously incites some degree of animosity amoung lower ranking personnel. I however am not one of them, but justly feel that this style is inappropriate.
There were four people in attendance, three of whom represented management including myself. This was not an official meeting, but rather an "off-the-cuff" discussion regarding management styles. During the course of the discussion, the topic inexplicably turned to a sexual orientation, and my manager and the other female member proceeded to reveal how they personally shave particular areas of their anatomy with the production supervisor. One particular statement was: "Think landing strips". I personally found the overall discussion irritating/disgusting and commenced to leave the office. Upon my departure, my manager said: "Don't go away angry!" then asked: "Do you need a hug?" To which I flatly stated: "I do not!" At this point, she, the other female member of management, and the production supervisor converged upon me. I was physically picked up(bearhug style) by the production supervisor. The female management member and my manager proceeded to hug me as well. While I was restrained, my manager then proceeded to seductively lick me with her tongue along the entire length of the right side of my face! I found the act incredibly embarassing and humiliating.
Two weeks later, I was terminated without cause (State of Ohio) due to poor economic conditions within the market area. During that two weeks, I was intermittently preparing a report of sexual harassment regarding the event.

My question is: Does this case appear to have merit? Do I have legal recourse?
Depends on what happened. Did you tell them then and there that the touching and licking was inappropriate and unwanted? Did iit continue? Did you discuss the fact with anyone in the office that you were preparing this sexual harassment report?
There was no discussion regarding the event, then or thereafter. I believe it is prudent to say that such acts need not require addressing regarding whether they are appropriate or not. The acts did not continue, and of course I was discharged less than two weeks after the fact.
Do you have any witnesses that will verify your account of the situation? I wouldn't wait too long to file the complaint. Sexual Harassment is very hard to prove, so if you have witnesses that will verify your account your chances of winning will be more favorable. It's a shame you didn''t have your complaint on file before you were fired. Also, you didn't mention whether or not you made any one aware in the office of your pending complaint.
The only witnesses to this event were the other two people in attendance. There are many(probably at least 6 people) that were aware via word of mouth that the incident occurred. I am unsure of the ethics/reliability of the other two people in attendance. I am assuming under penalty of oath that they would confirm the act. I would hope that this is not presumptious on my part.
Did you mention your pending complaint to anyone before you were fired? If yes, maybe it got back to the boss? That would bolster your complaint.
I did not discuss my intent with anyone, but rather merely confirmed upon questioning that the event took place. I believe that such an event would have caused quite a stir in the market area. However, I cannot confirm that the event went up the chain of command. but you raise an interesting perspective that I had not considered. How do you feel about my addressing the issue on my own with a senior V.P. with the company?
Your first step should have been to contact HR with the complaint. The VP would take the interest of the company over you so I doubt he would be a good place to start. if you feel really strongly that you were fired due to what happened you should at least consult with a lawyer and they will ascertain whether or not you have a case. It's pretty thin though since you don't have witnesses and you didn't confide in anyone and now have waited two weeks after being fired to bring the subject up.
Your answers are understood. In my defense, I suppose I feared reprisal as a result of complaining sooner. I may elect to write the V.P. anyway just as an "F.Y.I.", though admittedly do not expect anything to come from it. I do not feel that the discharge is related to this incident. However, I feel a sense of moral obligation to bring the event to someone's attention. Thanks for the advice.
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