Sexual Harassment??

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I was at a party at my bosses house playing a drinking game when i blacked out while blacked out i must of removed my pants and underwear . When i woke up i was on the couch with a blanket wrapped around me .A week later i am told by someone at the party that a husband of my coworker spread my legs and took pictures of me when i was blacked out . Is there something i can do about this or was it my own fault . Im feel extremly violated and confused
It's not your fault someone took pictures of you.
But based SOLELY on what is in your post, no, there is nothing you can do about it.
At this point, all you have is a rumor that someone took naked pictures of you.

You can't sue for a rumor of something that may not even be true.

IF the husband attempts to publish or otherwise use the pictures, assuming they even exist, THEN you may have some recourse.

Not now.
No, this MAY be criminal. However, that would depend on state law - and I don't see where you mentioned your state.

If you have seen the pictures, have you asked the guy who took them why? Have you asked him for all the pictures back? Did HE undress you, or did you undress yourself?

- Carl
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