Sexual Orienation Issues

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My wife has a co-worker (Juno, Fake name) whom she is friends with and is gay. Their manager when to school with Juno and said that she saw her kissing girls in school and was gay to her and her co-workers. The manager and Juno became friends and she told her that she was gay. The next day she went around to all the workers and told them that Juno confirmed with her she was gay. My wife thought that wasnt right and informed juno of this. They both went to HR and informed them of this. But before they did this they asked a couple of people who told them about Juno and they said that manager, after that they informed HR. HR questioned everyone and said that the couple of other people said that no such thing happened. They transfered my wife to a different location and told Juno that they could have called the cops because she was lying. What is going on here?
Employer was investigating whether or not something that could one day become a much bigger can of worms needed to be nipped in the bud. If the other employees were unwilling to substantiate the claim, that's up to them. Whether or not your wife was transferred because of this or another reason is not relevant since the employer can do lateral moves whenever they wish. As for calling the cops, not enough information is given to suggest one thing or another pertaining to the law.
So what you are saying is if witness to discrimination, keep quiet because an employer can transfer you, call you and the person who was discriminated a liar and thats the end.
Sexual orientation is not a protected characteristic under Federal law. It is under the laws of some states. In what state did this happen?
It happened in OHIO. And my wife just called me and told me that if she doesnt leave this alone they will terminate her.
Sexual orientation is not protected in Ohio. That means that both your wife and Juno can legally be fired over this issue. It's up to them how they want to handle it, and please do not interpret this as meaning I think the company is handling this correctly (I do not) but unless there is a local statute (which IS possible - she should check into it) they are not violating any laws.
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