sexual orientation/gender discrimination

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New Member
This is a twist for most in most any city, but not in Palm Springs CA... I'm a straight woman who had plenty of friends of whatever sexual, national or racial origin. If you're not a mean ass, i don't care who you love or what color you are. Palm Springs has the largest male gay population in the nation. This was obviouly not an issue for me, as i moved here and have been here for 2 years. 6 weeks ago I moved into an 11 unit apartment dwelling. I gave landlord my many recomendation letters from past landlords, and all relevant references for me. He accepted me on the spot.
I did not know, nor was i told that i would be the only woman and the only straight person there. No worries for me. But day one, tenants asked 'how did you manage to get in here?...
before the end of day , they had manipulated a situation by feigning to help, which resulted in them giving away my $950 bed. Told it had been put in one of their storage closets for me, it was 24 hours before i was aware it was gone.
I have been continually screamed at for things as pathetic as ... not wrapping the hose the right way...leaving a few feet of it not tight, etc. By week 2 I'd had three visites TO MY DOOR by different tenants about the above hose 'issues'. The visitors were very hostile using raised voices & foul language. This in a complex where EVERY single day hoses are strewn all over property by the one neighbor and left to run for hours. I trip over the hoses often, but don't complain cause hey, the guy needs a reason to get up. The real problem, besides the multitude of mosquitoes the standing water all over produces in my apartment, is that, NO one had any issue with those hoses strewn daily all about by him, but i was harassesed for hose in the corner not wrapped to satisfaction. Another neighbor whos cat has been in my back patio as well as in my apartment, FREAKED out on me when my leashed 5 lb dog crossed his threshold as i locked my door when leaving. I was threatend then, told i was not welcome and have been many times since. They never said because of my gender or orientation though.
When one of the tenants who had been civil to me, waved hello to me when among the group they INSTANTLY began berating him. He has since conformed.
Next, they started to concoct issues about my dogs, all on the lease, all under 10" high. One has no teeth other is crippled, barley can walk, at present has 76 stitches spread on all 4 paws, throat and abdomen. Other is 4 lbs, formerly starvation abuse. Some of tenants all have small dogs. Very few of them ever leash thier dogs. Doesn't bother me as long as they are not violent dogs. There are 2 tenants who never pick up dog feces and never leash their dogs. Last night they acctually accused me of having my dogs attack theirs and leaveing bite wounds. When i told them one was in hospital the day they specified, they accused the one that has no teeth. They don't know this. This most recent episode, was one of 7 very loud very large rallies where they heard yelling and came out of apartments to gather around me and launch ridiculous accusations, call me terrible names, and say they did not want me here, and they were working on getting me out by telling the landlord thier accusations. I have called the landlord about this harassment and he refuses to believe me. He even began to berate me and make nasty insinuations. but it did not escalate as i was intimidated and acquiesed and ended the call. Last night and tonight again i was confronted and harassed. The landlord has not returned my call that detailed the nature of that call. During the most recent the tenant again, specifically said that i was gonna be sorry... (for what, i don't know) and that the landlord had a surprise for me... "just you wait"...
I did have thank God, an unbiased non tenant witness to one of these last attacks. Additionally, my immiediate neighbors, who are sane and know i am a good tenant & neighbor- witnessed some of it. One said to me, "it's so wrong what they are doing to you. It's just because your a straight woman" i asked him if he really thought so and he replied that he "knew "so. He offered to talk to the landlord. I called Landlord again, no response, nor to the witness above. I am afraid to leave my apartment as i am harassed by the majority of the men. tonght i was intercepted on the ONLY occasion that i chanced leaving my apt all day long... to get my mail. I was called nasty names and yelled at and accused of a fault that EVERYONE KNOWS IS BULL... I was again told i had no power and that i had better watch out.
I have learned recently that the landlord could not rent the apt due to certain problems and that when he saw my references and income verification that i brought to the first meeting, that is why he accepted me on the spot. Desperation i guess. I want out, but the landlord has said (during the conversation mentioned above) that i can not have my 850. deposit back. I think i not only deserve that back legally, but i want to compensated for the moving costs i will have to spend AGAIN due to the conditions that have made living here hell. is the landlord responsible even though he is not the harasser? they said its not about my gender, but they have said to others it is, and the landlord won't even ask the witensess about it. Is he at fault? and is this not discrimination and a hostile environment?
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