shop lifting and fdic

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39 yrs ago was arrested for shoplifting. Can't remember if I got fingerprinted or not.
Was put on probation. Am 57 yrs old. Have applied for a job at a bank and was fingerprinted. Will the shoplifting of 39 yrs ago prevent me from being hired?? Thanks

It is possible. Although they may not hold it against you since the ordeal happend 39 years ago. Good luck and have you considered expungement? Pls let us know the outcome of your application. No one posts what happens after and im sure viewers like me would like to know what had happened...sort of an answer to their own questions. Thanks and hope you get the job.

thanks for your reply. Found out today, did not get the bank job due to arrest for shoplifting in 1967:( who would have thought something that long ago, when I was a teenager would cause trouble this late in life!

I read that even if the person had a pre trial diversion? banks normally asked for it when you apply. Theyre very particular about this due to the fact that the crime is FRAUD or THEFT...remember youre handling money and they dont want to take the risk. I truly believe that you have changed but this people do not want to give people a 2nd chance. I know how you feel. I am truly sorry. Try to seek expungement and maybe a different career that does not involve money or retail? Goodluck

Having worked in the financial field (financial controller) and having been bonded, never having a problem with the shoplifting at age 18, now at age 57,(jeepers we are talking 39 years ago) don't plan on fighting this. Thought it would be fun to work at a bank part-time, not to be, so I will go into accounting part-time. Thanks so much for your advice.

you probably would like to expunge your record so your dont have a criminal record. Where did this happen anyway. Was it hard to find jobs when you have a conviction? Im sorry about not getting the least though you still have a job :) goodluck
not hard

Hi, this happened in Pensacola, FL eons ago. Have never had problems getting a job. Was financial controller for a corporation for 6 yrs and prior to that worked in a CPA office as head of Small Businesses, have always worked in finance and was also bonded for my jobs. Guess banking is just a little more particular about who they
yeah i think so too because when i check pre trial diversion on the internet one of their application came up and it asks about if you have been in a rehabilitation or alternative sentencing etc etc etc which means theyre really strict. Im asking because im in the same situation right now and charged but was placed in an alternative program which if all the rules are met charges will be dropped and no conviction on my record only arrest and charge which can be expunged eventually ( i hope with no problem ) I have been paranoid over this matter as far as employment is concern even though my lawyer had already said there shouldnt be a problem. I worried how people from HR will judge you when they see such on your record. Im just curious too see and feel less worried when i hear from people like you that didnt have any problem as far as such conviction is concerned. When you say bonded does that mean you are giving them sort of assurance in terms of monetary unit if ever something happens ... what state did this happen? thanks so much and wish you luck on your part time job hunting :)
paranoid about my shoplifting arrest many years ago...

I know what you mean about old sins popping up at the worst possible times. Shoplifting is a stupid, stupid, stupid thing and it can haunt you the rest of your life. My offense happened over 20 years ago. It has haunted me ever since. I've become a paranoid, nervous wreck because of this incident. I've been applying for jobs that don't involve any cash handling so that I won't be burned by the background check. These jobs are very low pay and can be extremely boring, but they do help pay the bills. I'm a hard worker and very dedicated and I like to put in as many hours as my employer allows me. But still I"m haunted by my past.....

If I can scrounge up enough cash, I'd like to inquire about having this record sealed or requesting a chance for expungement. It would be nice to not have this black cloud over my head for the rest of my life.
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