Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Shoplifted,caught, and nothing has happened..yet?

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New Member
I have posted on your previous website about my situation when it first happened. Here's a recap: I am 19, live in GA and was caught shoplifting merchandise valued at around $130. (The section removed plays no role in question and could cause poster problems. Therefore I edited it) ..No police were involved. I signed a piece of paper admitting guilt and a line saying that I MAY receive a civil demand for damages. It has been four months since this incident and I have not had so much of a phone call from their civil recovery department. I have researched online and come to a conclusion that this store/coorperation usually takes 3 weeks/less than a month to send a civil demand. I do not understand why mine is taking so long. Yes, I gave them all correct information.

What should I expect? Is it over? I really do not want to call them.

Thanks again for this RTA! I really appreciate this website. I have no one to talk to about this. Unfortunately, they would think that I am a bad person and look at my differently. The people on this website realize that I just made a stupid decision and am trying to make things right!
Glad to hear the site is serving its purpose. Your research may be correct but it doesnt mean that is always the case. If your concerened call the store ask for the number to their Civil Recovery service. Then call them.
Don't expect it to be over, they might just be behind on paperwork, you're Civil Demand might just be at the bottom of a pile, maybe your address got written down wrong it could be a million things.

Also did you have you're ID with you and did they take down info/copy it?

Some stores, when presented with ID, e-mail or snail mail police reports in (I used to work for the company you speak of) so you might still see charges as well.
Okay thank you. Well, I did not have my driver's license with me. I gave them a different form of ID. The ID does not contain an address or any contact information. Do you think that is why I have not received anything? Maybe they thought I lied?
No. They will assume you gave correct address until letters come back return to sender.
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