Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Shoplifting 17 years ago in GA

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I need some advice about not showing up in court 17 years ago for shoplifting in GA.

I was on a tourist visa in 1990 and because I was stupid at that time I was arrested for shoplifting (something less than $100). I was arrested and payed a fine to get out fo jail. The problem is that my visa was expiring in the coming days so I had to leave the country and never heard anything back form that case, did not now if I had to go to court, ectcetera. 10 years later I got a visa to the US and that think never showed up. But now 17 years later I'm amplying for an immigrant visa while here in the US through my mother that is US citizen but in my last immigration interview I was told this shoplifting is in my record and that I have to show them the police report and the court desicion. I contated the police station that arrested me (Lawrecenville) and they said they don't keep records that old, I called the city hall and they said I'm not in the system. What should I do? How can I get info about my case?
I need to take care of this issue ASAP otherwise I facxew deportation and my whoe family is here? That was my first and last crime. I'm a good citizen, been living here for 10 years and not even have got a car ticket.......
Good question. I don't know what to say except to tell them the truth that to your knowledge you weren't prosecuted and the courthouse says it doesn't even have records of the offense. Just be very sure that this is the case and don't gloss over it. Good luck.
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