Criminal Attorneys, Public Defenders Shoplifting 1st offense. Get a Public defender?

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I caught of shoplifting at a STORE, never done it before don't plan to again....

Merchandise totaled less than $100, my court date is tomorrow. I've been searching the web for good advice as to what to do for the passed few weeks and still have a lot of apprehension that I'm doing what I need do. Do you get a public defender after that first court date? That's what the public defender's office told me. Some sites have said to plead guilty on your first court date and then your PD will try to get you into a diversion program, is this true?
Also I live with a friend, but I don't have a job...I've read that I need my friend to write me up a letter stating that they are support in me in some way. What is this letter called so I can ask him to write it.

Thanks you so much in advance!
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Plead not guilty, request a public defender.

Admit nothing, say nothing about the incident.

Speak ONLY with your lawyer, when his or her name is made known to you.

Stay out of trouble in the mean time, and wait.
Thank you for your quick reply, what should I bring with me to court? Do I need a letter from the friend I live with to prove my lack of income, since I don't have a job and have never had unemployment? If so what should a letter like this contain?
Definitely don't plead guilty as you made mention of in your first post. Ask for a PD & work with them. You can (if you want) have your friend write a letter that you live with them & that they support you to some extent. Just explain when you go to court why you need a PD (ie no income/little income).
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