Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Shoplifting a lil freaked out

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Ok well i got caught at (retail store) with a charge, they gave me a court date and everything. it was only $46 but still. I was told it was on tape and the lp pointed showing all his court dates and said he was a cop before his job now all of that. i cant aford a lawyer, honestly i am a Single mother, no job. i have no other background charges pretty much a clean record. nothing else on it. my mom had said to talk to the court and get a lawyer threw them i know what i did was wrong and i will do community service and if i have to pay fines not sure how i will. but if it needs to be done. I also have Aspergers though i dont that does any good on this but i have went threw a few pages since i got home and alot of them are saying to plead not guilty and get lawyer but if i cant afford one then what? i cant go to jail because i have a child who is under my care. i am really freaked out i also want to later maybe get if off my record. and idk if it is a conviction if i can or not. please help i am really freaked
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You need a lawyer. If you can't afford one, then ask the court to appoint one for you. Plead not guilty. The lawyer will help you - you might get ACD or diversion & it might also be kept off your record. I, myself, don't see jail time.
The court will give you a lawyer for free if you can't afford one. Show up when you are required to and request an attorney then. You well not get one any sooner. If asked, plead not guilty. Don't spaz. This is a very petty issue.
should i contact the court to get a laywer before the court date?

You can but its unlikely you get one before court or even be able to meet with this Attorney before fist court date. Do as instructed show up to court and plead not guilty then ask for Public defender. The Judge will then give you instructions on how to contact the Public defenders office. When you meet with PD ask about plea options like ACD or diversion to minimize the damage to you
You can get one before the court date but if it isn't possible or you can't afford one, then go to court & ask for one at that time. You will be given another court date to give you time to talk to your appointed attorney. Definitely plead not guilty when you go to court.
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