Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Shoplifting and Cizenship

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New Member
Hi!My family applied for Canadian citizenship a year ago.6months ago my husband and I were both charged with shoplifting (my fault), dealt with a lawer, charges were withdrawn and we were put trough the diversion program. Now we recieve the letter asking for fingerprints from Immigration and Citizenship Canada.
I feel very guilty and worried about everything.Anyone had similar experience or knows something of that nature? Please, share.I just don't know what to expect or to think.
Thank you.
My question is: what is most likely going to happen now? Are they going to deny our application? Or they are taking the diversion program as a first-time mistake exoneration?
Thanks a lot.
We cannot predict that. Your arrest will still show even if no conviction appears on your record. Your best option is to talk to an Attorney familar with imigration law
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