Shoplifting and having to go to court as a minor

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I was caught shoplifting and the total added up to about $200. I'm only fourteen years old and live in California. They told me I had to go to court and would send a letter, how long would the letter take to be mailed home since the incident? They probably saw me on camera and this is my first incident. What do I plead in court? I've been researching about this and my best option would be either to plead guilty or no contest. Would they take it lighter if I plead guilty or no contest? What would be the cost of the fines for the amount I stole? How much will court cost? I read about deferred adjudication, how do I get that since it sounds like a better punishment option?
I was caught shoplifting and the total added up to about $200. I'm only fourteen years old and live in California. They told me I had to go to court and would send a letter, how long would the letter take to be mailed home since the incident? They probably saw me on camera and this is my first incident. What do I plead in court? I've been researching about this and my best option would be either to plead guilty or no contest. Would they take it lighter if I plead guilty or no contest? What would be the cost of the fines for the amount I stole? How much will court cost? I read about deferred adjudication, how do I get that since it sounds like a better punishment option?

First you must tell mommy and daddy, or your legal guardian. You can't go to court alone. Your parents are your voice. The court won't address this matter unless one or both of your parents are present.

You (your parents) should plead not guilty, seek a lawyer, or ask for one to be appointed to assist you. You don't want a conviction for this on your reord.

In the meantime, stay out of trouble, and wait for court. It's odd your parents weren't called. But, that might be a good sign. So, let mommy and daddy know everything before you do anything.
Is there any way possible to change the mailing address for the court letter? My mom and dad lives in seperate places and I switch off parents every few months.
Is there any way possible to change the mailing address for the court letter? My mom and dad lives in seperate places and I switch off parents every few months.

As long as you gave a correct address for mommy or daddy, all will be well.

Only one parent is required to be notified, and that parent should involve the other parent.

Either way, as long as one parent attends, all will be well.

That parent that attends with you, will reveal to the court where to contact the other parent.
Do you have any idea of the price range for the fines and what would be the best plea to do besides not guilty?

A minor can't be convicted of a crime in juvenile court. In juvenile court one gets adjudicated or declared delinquent.

You need to discuss this with your parents. But, don't plead, admit to anything, or say anything until you've first spoken with your parents and obtained a lawyer.

You've made one poor decision, don't hurry things and make another. Slow your roll, take your time. If you are smart, talk with your parents (they're not as dumb as you think), slow down, get a lawyer (you're entitled to one at NO cost, if your parents can't afford one), discuss this with your lawyer and your parents; this might all just GO AWAY.

From what you say, mistakes could have been made in your case. In fact, there might NOT be a juvenile case against you that will come. So, for your sake, speak with mother and father ASAP.
Many of your questions can be answered here however I can tell you that your court fine (unrelated to any civil demand store might seek) will be less than $500.00 most likely. there could be additional costs for classes or other issues but they can vary so its to hard to speak on those. You should plead not guilty and either hire an Attorney or request public defender. When you meet with this Lawyer discuss your options. Ask about ACD or Diversion to protect your record
My parents are from another country and does not speak English that well. They do know about the situation but assume they don't know what to do in court either. What are my best options?
A lawyer should be able to help you all.
My parents are from another country and does not speak English that well. They do know about the situation but assume they don't know what to do in court either. What are my best options?

You can FORGET going alone. If your parents don't appear, it'll make more trouble for you and them.

If they don't speak English well, the court will provide a translator for them. The translator will assist in speaking with the lawyer, or you'll likely find a lawyer that speaks their lingo.
It certainly seems you don't want your parents to know. You do need to tell them. If they don't speak English, help is available to them as noted above.
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