Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Shoplifting at Kohls


New Member
I was caught shoplifting some makeup items (eyeshadow palette, and some concealer tubes) at Kohls almost over a year loss prevention caught me as I was leaving. I went with them to the security room and filled out a piece of paper with my information. They said that since I had cooperated I would just be banned from the store for a year. I only signed a sheet that said I agreed to the trespassing and that if I were caught on their premises again they would involve law enforcement. They did not take my photo or gave me sign anything else. A couple of days ago I received a civil demand stating they were seeking to recover civil relief of $225. Should I pay this or can I disregard this letter. I have no way of paying this at the moment and I only have unit the 26th of this month.


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A couple of days ago I received a civil demand stating they were seeking to recover civil relief of $225. Should I pay this or can I disregard this letter.

You, and you alone, must decide to pay their tribute.

Some people pay, others don't.

You can GOOGLE "demand letter for shoplifting in NV" to read what others in your predicament have to say!
The best response to their letter may be no response at all.
It is not a fine. It is simply a request that you pay them.
If it has been nearly a year it is incredibly unlikely law enforcement of criminal courts will ever be involved.

Personally I would ignore the letter. If you have concerns you can take it to a local attorney or two for a quick consult.
Just know that it is not a bill or a fine and you are not required to pay it.
Nobody has to know you ever even received it.
Civil Demand is a "Civil" action but can (not saying for sure) have criminal consequences. I am a Retail theft consultant and answer questions like yours daily. You should not have named store or details. Below are some links and videos that may help you decide. Its your call but there can be long term consequences for not paying.
Civil Recovery
Should I pay this

This seems like a rather pointless question in light of this statement:

I have no way of paying this at the moment

Don'tcha think?

can I disregard this letter.

You certainly can disregard it, but doing so may have consequences.

For your information, Nevada law provides that "[a]n adult who steals merchandise from . . . a merchant's premises is civilly liable for the retail value of the merchandise or the fair market value of the other property, plus damages of not less than $100 nor more than $250, costs of suit and reasonable attorney's fees" (emphasis added).

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