Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Shoplifting Charge Help

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I was charged and arrested for shoplifting. It is my first offense and the item in question was $30. I was wondering if anyone might be able to tell me what might happen at my court date.

I am also a teacher, and I was wondering if someone might be able to tell me how this might affect my job.

Where its very unlikley you will see any jail time a theft conviction can seriously damage your career. You need to consult an Attorney about this and ask about programs that might keep a conviction off your record. You might also look into an anti shoplifting program. A judge is more likely to go easier if you have already taken action. My husband has some contacts within anti shoplifting programs send me a PM and I will get that info for you. Your career as a Teacher could be in harms way so find an Attorney.
Thanks. If you could message me any of that information, it would be most helpful. I guess I really need help with keeping off my record with a conviction then as well.

Can you tell me how this affected you? I am also a teacher and shoplifted while under severe depression after the death of my father and birth of my newborn. I took the diversion course but it still shows up on the court records that I was charged/arrested for shoplifting but dismissed. Were you able to obtain a job? And can you please tell me more about your situation?
I would think, as far as teacher goes, it would depend on what kind.

I would think Community College/University would be more "understanding" than K-12.
Have you contacted retail theft consultants They listen to your case (with utmost confidentiality) and advise you on what to do. The rules can be very different, depending on your situation and the retailer. I highly recommend them.
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