Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft shoplifting first offense - costco

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New Member
Jurisdiction: San Jose/CA

I was caught shoplifting at Costco and it is my first offense. I am actually relieved to be caught as I fear I would have continued on this path. I'm a recovered alcoholic - been sober over 14 years, but recently started stealing things I didn't really need. I'm very embarrassed to admit this. Anyway, I had stolen 2 DVDs on a saturday and then returned them on a sunday and received $90. Then I stole another dvd and some beef jerky and got caught by security. They brought me to the back room to process me and I admitted to both offenses and returned the money ($90) and the items I stole that day, which I had hid in my purse.

The loss prevention man was nice and so was the officer. They didn't require that I walk out with either of them, since I had cooperated, and was honest with them. I am supposed to go down to the station and "book" myself and then will need to go to court.

I'm very nervous about having to go to jail and having this on my record. Do I need to get a lawyer? Do I need to plead guilty, no contest or not guilty? I feel that since i already admitted, i need to plead guilty or no contest.

Can you help me understand what I'm up against? thank you very much
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Your looking at a criminal record yes you need a Lawyer. When you talk to this Lawyer ask about Diversion. Since it seems your alcoholism transpfered to theft maybe a anti shoplifting program is well advised as well or even shoplifters anonymous, yes there is such a group. My husband, also reocering over 23 years from alcoholism, knows peopelk from both these groups/programs contact me and I can give yo means to bot SA and the Anto shoplifting program from NASP. My email is below
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