Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Shoplifting in Colorado!

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Today I was detained for shoplifting at a local store. To me, the incident was being careless and not paying attention to what I was doing. I was an airhead and I accept that. The item I walked out with was valued around $25 and before making it out the door, I was detained and questioned. I signed all paperwork and was perfectly cooperative, and recieved a class C Misdemeanor citation from the officer and was released with a ban from the store. I have court for this in december and would like to know everything I can before that day arrives. Im 21 with no priors of any kind except traffic violations. What do I do?? I really don't want this on my record, as Im sure it will complicate/null any chance i have of future careers and military service(will it?) Also, how do I know how much my Civil Demand will be for? I don't mind paying for this, I will do what it takes to make it go away. Thank you!
Talk to your Lawyer and ask if there is a Diversion program in your county. Court fines shoud be less than $500.00 there maybe other fees for classes etc but I cant be sure. Your Civil Demand fine shoud be around $250.00 approx
Shoud I wait for a public defender or? Also in this post:
It was mentioned to take an anti-shoplifting course. What is it and how is it beneficial?
Enrolling in an Anti shoplifting course before court shows Judge you are proactive in correcting wrong and remorseful. This is always good. It can (no promises) result in lighter sentence. I recommend a course offered by NASP
My citation for this is a Class 3 Misdemeanor - what should I expect as far as a record, etc? Will this keep me from getting certain jobs? Will my current employer find out?
Also, how much should I expect an attorney to cost for this? I need to know if I can afford it or if I will have to ask for a public defender.
Seven1Nine said:
My citation for this is a Class 3 Misdemeanor - what should I expect as far as a record, etc? Will this keep me from getting certain jobs? Will my current employer find out?

"Any" criminal conviction can cause not be hired or even be terminated from current position
Will my employer be contacted about this charge though? I am searching for legal counsel right now.
Should i secure a lawyer before my first trial in december? I think its a pre-trial. Also I read an article about pre-trial diversion. Does that mean I could talk to someone at the courthouse before my trial and try to get into a diversion program, or do I need to go in front of the judge at least once?
Will my employer be contacted about this charge though?
We can't say for certain but that isnt likely
Should i secure a lawyer before my first trial in december?
That might be wise
Also I read an article about pre-trial diversion. Does that mean I could talk to someone at the courthouse before my trial and try to get into a diversion program, or do I need to go in front of the judge at least once?
Your Lawyer can best explain this as these programs vary and not available everywhere
I have been corresponding over email with a local attorney who has been advising me on this, and Im starting to think hiring my own lawyer is out of the question. A few hundred dollars I could swing but this guy wants a $1500 retainer for my case which is far from affordable? Is a public defender now my only option?
The attorney Ive been talking to advised me to save my money and try to seek diversion on my own since I have a clean record. He says at my pretrial, they will offer me diversion(if available), and that if they don't, I should plead not guilty and seek legal assistance?
I guess I phrased it wrong. Essentially he said he thinks I can negotiate for diversion on my own, and wont need legal aide.
Thats probably because you cant pay him. Its your choice but we never suggest you pursue legal issues without a Lawyers help. Ask for Public Defender
Based on advice I saw on another thread here, I emphasized heavily that I was intending on hiring him and paying the retainer, even after finding out how much it was. I wanted him to give as much advice as possible because I kinda suspected he would lose interest when I got sticker shocked. Thanks for input.
Its probably productive for me to post updates on my case as they take place. Just had my first court appearence, the pre-trial arraignment. I was not offered a plea agreement of any kind but when I went in front of the judge, I pleaded not guilty and requested a pre-trial conference with the prosecutor, which will be taking place toward the end of the month. Maximum penalties in my jurisdiction are $500 and 90 days in jail, however the judge sounded very reassuring that the prosecutor is eager to work out these cases without them going to trial. Three others who saw the judge before me today all attempted to plead guilty, in spite of the fact that the judge offered them each a criminal background investigation, and in the end he refused to accept a guilty plea from any of them. I was also informed that I could be required to satisfy terms of probation including community service, restitution, and a petty theft class as part of my sentence. No word yet about diversion but I'm sure that comes up at the pre-trial conference. Hope this info helps some others on here, your court appearence isn't as bad as you think it will be!
I intend fully on asking for diversion as a sentencing option, and also intend on requestion a PD since a lawyer is outside of my means. I wasn't given any info about attorneys or PDs at the arraignment today. I have until the 22nd to get everything set up for the conference, and hopefully the DA will be as understanding as the judge was today.
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