Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Shoplifting in HI

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About 4-5 years ago (17-18 yrs old), I got a call from LP at work he told me the whole story about stealing for a "reason" then asked me if I stole I admit i did steal here and there but nothing over $300. I admitted to stealing stuff which I didn't every time I told the guy on the phone 'NO' he attacked me saying that they caught me on video (which I know is false) and that the more I 'lie' the more reasons he was going to have the cops come.. So I just said yes thinking it would make things easier, the cops still came and made a report.. They notified me that I was not allowed back in the store for a year and that I will be sent a summon to court. Well I waited and waited and I never got anything in the mail. So I contacted one of my ex-coworker and he told me that the police report was incomplete and that's why I never heard anything about it... So now I have a new job and learned my lesson I got promoted and now a background check is being sent in I am so nervous.. Will this 'mistake' show up on the check? And how long will I be waiting for a response? I had once did a small check, I vantage remember what kind exactly paid a little fee through the state website and had a live chat with someone and she said nothing pulled up, so does that really mean it's clear? I sure hope so, it would really suck if I don't pass and don't get tomkeep the position.... :(
If you were never charged with a crime then thereis no criminal back ground to show up. The only thing that this "might" appear in is if your former employer is a subscriber to the retail theft database and inputed your name there
One of our "trusted members" has a lot of knowledge on retail theft database I will contact him and tell him to look at this thread. Your new job is in retail? This "trusted member" may ask you to PM him the name of your former employer. Because he has status as "trusted member" (orange color) it is safe to give him that info but do so in private so others cannot see it.
You are in a interesting situation. The company hired you and did not do background check, but they are doing one as you get promoted into a level of trust - a management position I presume?

As far as a criminal record - you do not have one. Background investigations show convictions and findings of guilt. They do not usually show records of arrest or non findings of guilt. Since you have never been to court - the most that would be on your record would be a warrant. This *should* not show on a background check. Lets say that you are charged with theft and a warrant is issued for your arrest, you would still have to be found guilty before it would appear on *most* background checks that employers (besides the government) do.

As far as NRMA is concerned - PM me with the place you were caught stealing and the place you are currently working. If you were 17 at the time, you would not have been entered into the database as they do not enter minors. If you were 18 it will be in the database until you are 25, give or take a few years for the HI laws.

I look forward to your PM and I highly doubt that this background check will be a problem.
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