Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft shoplifting

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New Member
I was caught shoplifting at a NJ supermarket for $17. They took my information from my driver's license and have me signed an admit guilty letter then released me without calling the police. And they gave me a letter saying that I may be receiving a CDL letter for civil penalty.

My questions are:
1) Will they still call the police afterwards and file a complaint and file a criminal charge against me?
2) Usually how long will take them to send me the CDL? How much it will be?
3) If I can't afford to pay the amount what will happen then?

please help!!!
My questions are:
1) Will they still call the police afterwards and file a complaint and file a criminal charge against me?
Will they? We cant say. I suspect not though long as you pay Civil Demand
2) Usually how long will take them to send me the CDL? How much it will be?
Days, weeks, maybe months depend son how busy they are. On a $17.00 theft I supect your fine to be less than $100.00
3) If I can't afford to pay the amount what will happen then?
There are several possibles none are good pay the the money
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