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New Member
Yesterday I walked out of a store when a store detective came up to me and asked if I paid for some stuff I said yes showed him my receipt then the pulled out of the car 2 necklaces that I had put in there earlier when I was shopping I totally forgot about it.

I then told him no I didn't then offered to go in and pay for them.

He then put me in a room and made me fill out some paperwork, no police where involve, he said I will get a letter from the store's attorneys and that was it.

But now I am scared that this will affect my employment, I am currently enrolled in school can this affect my school or my job
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Yes it could. If the store (you should not have named publically) is a subscriber to any retail theft database the event could be viewed by other subscribers. I consult others on this and similar issues all the time. Long as there was no Police or court date the only record will be with store or any retail theft database this store may subscribe to
Yesterday I walked out of a store when a store detective came up to me and asked if I paid for some stuff I said yes showed him my receipt then the pulled out of the car 2 necklaces that I had put in there earlier when I was shopping I totally forgot about it.

I then told him no I didn't then offered to go in and pay for them.

He then put me in a room and made me fill out some paperwork, no police where involve, he said I will get a letter from the store's attorneys and that was it.

But now I am scared that this will affect my employment, I am currently enrolled in school can this affect my school or my job

I redacted some information in order to protect your privacy and preserve your rights.

In the USA everyone is considered INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty in a court of law.

That said, there's nothing you can do about anything that has already occurred.

But, going forward be more careful, and never, ever let anything like this happen again.

Even if no one had been watching, well you know, and I won't lecture you.

So, all you can do is wait, stay out of any more trouble for the rest of your life.

If this goes well for you, or isn't as bad as it could be, consider this your one mulligan or do over.

Your personal details have likely been placed (or will soon be placed) in one or more retail theft databases.

The impact of that being if anything like this happens again, EVER, things won't go well for you.

It can also impact your ability to obtain employment in many retail establishments.

If the store sends you that letter, it'll explain what they want you do next.

Most people do EXACTLY as the letter instructs.

Many of those people later report that following the instructions remedied the problem.

I suggest you wait for the letter, lay low, stay out of any more trouble, read the letter, and make a decision.

In the interim, stop worrying as it does no good, and just don't ever be careless, stupid, or neglectful again.

Good luck.
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