Other Criminal Procedure shoplifting

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New Member
was caught shoplifting, i am 14 and from australia. they told me to never return to store again and they took my name and address, will i recieve a letter. the police were not called
Australian law and US law are not the same. This is a US board. I don't think anyone here knows how they do things in Australia.
was caught shoplifting, i am 14 and from australia. they told me to never return to store again and they took my name and address, will i recieve a letter. the police were not called

Your best option, the world over as a juvenile when good or bad things happen to you, always tell mom and dad (or your legal guardian).
I'd simply let mom and dad know what happened, when it happened, and where it happened.
Mom and dad know what to do, or they know how to find out what must be done.

One last thing, OP, for your sake - DON'T DO STUPID STUFF - like shoplifting.

Shoplifting would qualify as DOING STUPID STUFF.

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