Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft shoplifting


New Member
SOS!!!!! So my friend and I stole some shoes from a khols. We did not get stopped or caught while in the store but a week later there were pictures from a security camera on a police site trying to identify us. Then we both got letters in the mail saying we have a court date for a charge of theft<1,500. We do not know if the cameras fully reached us to show that we took the shoes or if they just assumed we stole after randomly reviewing the cameras and finding empty shoe boxes. My court date is less than a month and I don't know what to do. Yes I am very aware that stealing is awful and I should be punished for what I did. I will never steal again. But I could really use some knowledge of what I am going up against. This is my first charge (besides a few speeding tickets) Do I get a lawyer? What is going to happen at court? Do they even have enough proof that it was us since the pictures aren't the best quality? If I do need a lawyer how do I get one and how much would it cost? Should we both have the same lawyer? Please just give me any incite you have! Thank you in advance.
Yes. Get a lawyer.
No. Not the same lawyer.
Meantime, keep your mouth shut and don't talk to ANYBODY about this except your lawyer. Not your family, not your friends, especially not your accomplice because he'll throw you under the bus as soon as a deal is offered.

Under $1000 is a class A misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail and up to $2500 in fines.

$1000 and up to $25000 is a level 9 felony punishable by up to 17 months in jail.

Either way you need a lawyer because even a misdemeanor on your record will screw you up royally for many years to come.
Do I get a lawyer? What is going to happen at court?

You might get a public defender, if you meet the court's criteria for being poor enough.
When you appear, be on time, follow the instructions the bailiff will give to the entire galley, obey their rules.

When your name is called, approach, and plead not guilty, eventually asking the judge if you qualify for a public defender.

Under no circumstances be as dumb as you were here to admit what you did.

You have the right to remain silent.
I suggest you use that right.
You can ask for a public defender, ask for one.
You are INNOCENT until the government proves you to be guilty.
So, stop blabbing, play dumb, and imitate a mute.
When you go to court, plead not guilty. If you can't afford a lawyer, ask if you qualify for a public defender (a PD is a lawyer). You might ask your lawyer/PD if you could possibly qualify for ACD or diversion to protect your record. Speak only to your lawyer/PD.

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