Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Shoplifting


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What do I do if I was wrongly accused of shoplifting it could cost me my job

A store accused me of shoplifting
You will need to give more details of what occurred to assess your situation.

If law enforcement was not involved at any point then you can likely do nothing and avoid any further consequence.

If law enforcement was involved and you have a date to appear in court, then show up, plead not guilty, and request legal counsel or hire your own.
What do I do if I was wrongly accused of shoplifting it could cost me my job

A store accused me of shoplifting

At a minimum STAY OUT OF THAT STORE for at least FIVE years.

In order to provide a more detailed answer, we need more details about the incident.
I am a Retail Theft consultant and answer questions like yours daily. many people think they were wrongfully accused and they were wrong. However we do not know the detail of the event so cannot say. However posting on public forums has its risks as well. If you fear for your job posting details that could ID you or other parties could place you at risk. You might be best served talking one on one with a local Attorney

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