Assault & Battery Should I file a report?

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My husband and I are going thru the mediation process to separate. It has been 6 months. We still live together because he can not afford to move out until we sell our house. Long story and years of verbal abuse and some physical. Proof of adultery last 2 years. My question- after our session- he realized that child support, alimony and 50/50 split of assets was inevitable. Was verbally abusive, provoking, bullying, I did not play into it and remained quiet and calm said he would burn everything down...then he bit me...leaned into me and bit my lower lip hard. Bruising, swelling...called my lawyer asking if I should file something- no response. Should this be reported for the record? He left that same day for business...1 week. I have two young children. Any advice?
My husband and I are going thru the mediation process to separate. It has been 6 months. We still live together because he can not afford to move out until we sell our house. Long story and years of verbal abuse and some physical. Proof of adultery last 2 years. My question- after our session- he realized that child support, alimony and 50/50 split of assets was inevitable. Was verbally abusive, provoking, bullying, I did not play into it and remained quiet and calm said he would burn everything down...then he bit me...leaned into me and bit my lower lip hard. Bruising, swelling...called my lawyer asking if I should file something- no response. Should this be reported for the record? He left that same day for business...1 week. I have two young children. Any advice?

If he bit you, that could be considered domestic violence.

It could be a battery.

It could have been many things, but it wasn't legal.

You should seek medical treatment.

I hope you are healing, well.

You should report his unprovoked attack to the police.

What he did isn't civil any longer.

He crossed the line into criminality.

Report the abusive lout.

Your lawyer should also petition the court for an order of protection and ask that he be removed form the marital home for your safety.

The idiot is a ticking time bomb.

I hope you can stop him.

Thank you for your quick response. I typed up the report and will go to the courthouse Monday. Small town- no police stations!
Thank you for your quick response. I typed up the report and will go to the courthouse Monday. Small town- no police stations!

Pictures, any COLOR pictures will help you immensely.

Medical reports, any medical reports of treatment will also be invaluable.

Witnesses, and witness accounts of the event are helpful to you.

If you told someone, IMMEDIATELY after the attack, that person's account is also helpful in supporting your version of events.

Did this happen in the counselor's office?

Did the counselor observe anything?

Good luck to you.

This kind of behavior should always be reported.

I wouldn't wait until Monday.

I'd high-tail it over to the Sheriff's Office or the nearest State Police Post.

They are always open 24/7, and would be more than happy to help you.

You may see this as a civil matter.

I see it as BOTH a civil and criminal matter.

Make sure this thuggish brute gets his day in court!
OK- I don't have witnesses of the original attack. A friend came over about 3 hours later and took pictures. I will have her write up what she saw as well as copies of her pictures.
Photos only prove that there is injury - not who caused the injury. Without a police report I would argue that you injured yourself.
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